
15 Aug

The grandsons were here overnight with their father until about noon today. There is a reason people have kids when they are young. Chasing toddlers is tiring. And I wasn’t even doing much of the chasing.

It was nice to know that I can still wrangle a child into a clean diaper and clean clothes faster than they can wriggle out of them. I can still rock a baby to sleep without resorting to real rocks. And I can shovel food into a little  face fast enough to keep him happy.

But the best part about having them here? The minute they went home! Can’t even tell my house was clean last week. All my dishes are dirty. I have movies and toys everywhere. And I’m exhausted. Looking forward to bedtime.

  • I’m grateful that they came to visit. And it was nice rocking them to sleep. I’m grateful that they survived the visit. I didn’t kill them or myself. I’m grateful that I’ve turned the ringer off and locked the doors. I’m out of order until the youngest son gets home from camp.

Night all. LOVES

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